Rocket Your New Project with JHipster

When you start a new project, you always have to decide which framework to use, how to integrate them with each other and always try to use best practices. You have to spent so much time with these efforts. To save your time and stay updated with best practices and cool new technologies you can use JHipster for your next project. JHipster is a yeoman generator, it generates a full featured, production ready project with best practices. JHipster uses java with spring boot in backend and angular.js in front end. And you can add many different technologies to your project. Here is JHipster’s current technology stack.

Backend Technologies:

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • Netflix OSS
  • Consul
  • Gradle
  • Maven
  • Hibernate
  • Liquibase
  • MySQL
  • Maria DB
  • Postgre SQL
  • Oracle
  • MS SQL Server
  • Mongodb
  • Cassandra
  • Swagger
  • ELK Stack
  • Hazelcast
  • and many more

Frontend Technologies:

  • Angular.js
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • JQuery
  • Websocket
  • Yarn
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • and many more

JHipster alsa has very easy integration with major cloud services like aws, heroku etc. And has docker support to ease your deployment. Also has integration with CI tools like jenkins and travis.

Micro Services

JHipster comes with microservices support. You can use it as a microservice project with service discovery and monitoring support or you can generate monolothic old style projects. For more information about microservices architecture visit this page.


You can generate your first project in 5 minutes. Start from here for quick start. JHipster’s web page has detailed information on every single topic, but if you need a more detailed information, you can read free JHipster mini book.

Build a Java Prod environment on Ubuntu

If you need to setup a java test or production environment, We have prepared a bootstrap document for you. We will setup Java8, Tomcat server, MySQL database and nginx as reverse proxy. This document is handy to setup a new environment on cloud services like AWS or Digital Ocean.

Following setup is prepared on Ubuntu 14.


Nginx is one of the most popular web servers. You can use it as a web serve or reverse proxy. We will use it as reverse proxy in front of tomcat. You can setup nginx from  this document.


Java8 setup is easy. Run following commands and you are done. Here is the reference document.


You can use this  document to setup mysql. Follow all instructions for safe installation. There are important steps for security, make sure that you run security script.

Tomcat 8

You can follow this document  for tomcat. When you get installation package, make sure that you get latest from tomcat offical page. Don’t forget to complete user instruction at the end of the document. You need to put your war into /webapps directory of tomcat. You need to give write access to this directory.

If you need to pass environment varaibles like spring profile, you need to pass this information with file under /bin directory of tomcat. If you don’t have this file, create yourself. Here is a sample config.